"It's a Wonderful Life" is a beloved holiday classic, but beneath its heartwarming message lies a cautionary tale about leadership and navigating a divided society. George Bailey, despite his good intentions, makes critical errors that resonate deeply in our increasingly polarized climate.
Introducing Lac du Flambeau Casino Resort: The perfect venue for unforgettable meetings and events! Conveniently located amidst the breathtaking beauty of Northern Wisconsin, our resort offers a harmonious blend of modern amenities and natural surroundings. The conference center is situated on the shores of Lake Pokegama nestled in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, providing a classic Northern retreat feel that reflects its Ojibwe culture and heritage. The casino has slot machines and table games, dining in the Eagle’s Nest Restaurant and Woody’s Bar & Grill, and 101 well-appointed rooms. The 8,500 square-foot Convention Center with the Hall of Nations offers an outstanding venue for entertainment, receptions, trade shows, meetings, presentations, and seminars. The Convention Center can accommodate up to 800 people. Call 1-800-25-TORCH for more information.
The Edgewater Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin is an ideal location for hosting meetings and events. The hotel is located in the heart of Madison, next door to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and within a short walking distance of the Capitol Square and downtown. The hotel has over 14,000 square feet of indoor space including seven breakout rooms, multiple ballrooms, and four special event spaces that can be configured to support your meeting or event. The Grand Ballroom and Terraces, The Madison Room, The Mendota Ballroom, The Red Crown Club, and The Sky Bar are some of the venues available for hosting events. The hotel offers first-class meeting and banquet facilities with the latest A/V equipment and is staffed with in-house A/V technicians. Contact their sales team at sales@theedgewater.com to start planning your event today.