Green Convention Center Site Selection Check List

Here are 10 things to look for when searching for a facility that can accommodate a sustainable event.

If a convention center has a LEED certification, it’s a pretty save bet that it has a top-notch sustainability program. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the world’s most widely used green building rating system. LEED certification provides a framework for healthy, highly efficient, and cost-saving green buildings, which offer environmental, social and governance benefits. But what if the convention center at the destination you are considering doesn’t have an LEED certification? Here is how to assess its sustainability readiness.

1. Are the convention center and hotel properties located within walking distance of each other or easily accessible by public transportation?
2. Is an energy-saving strategy in place for the convention center by reducing lights, power and HVAC during move-in and move-out in the exhibit hall?
3. Does the convention center minimize the energy used by turning off lights in meeting rooms when not in use?

4. Does the convention center or caterer at the center offer large containers of drinking water rather than individual bottles?

5. Does the convention center have low-flow toilets and other water-saving devices in restrooms?
6. Does the convention center sweep, not spray, parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways?

7. Does the convention center have a recycling program to recycle glass, aluminum, plastic, paper, grease, and cardboard?

8. Does the convention center have a policy to reduce and reuse where pos- sible and appropriate, and minimize paper usage?
9. Is the convention center’s staff trained to implement environmental policies and ensure a sustainable event?

10. Will the convention center work with the organization at no cost to implement a composting system, if available?

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