Freeman Report Reveals Exhibitor Priorities

A roadmap for event success: lead generation matters most

A new report from Freeman, the global events powerhouse, offers a deep dive into the minds of exhibitors, providing event organizers with invaluable insights to create more impactful and successful events.

The “Event Excellence by Design” report highlights that exhibitors are optimistic about the year ahead, with nearly 80% planning to maintain or increase their event participation. However, their priorities are shifting, and organizers need to adapt to ensure their events deliver maximum value.

Lead Generation Reigns Supreme

While brand awareness and sales remain important, lead generation is the undisputed champion for exhibitors. A staggering 35% of exhibitors rank it as the most crucial component of the event experience, far surpassing other factors like brand impact (25%) and sales (24%).

Interestingly, the focus is not just on quantity but quality. The vast majority of exhibitors (93%) prioritize the quality of leads over any other outcome, even when faced with external constraints. This finding underscores the need for organizers to attract the right audience and create opportunities for meaningful interactions.

All-Inclusive Packages and Evolving Demographics

The report also reveals a growing preference for all-inclusive exhibit packages, with 64% of exhibitors expressing their importance. This trend suggests a desire for streamlined planning and execution, allowing exhibitors to focus on their core goals rather than logistical details.

Another important trend is the changing demographics of exhibit marketers. The number of female marketers has increased to 46%, and the average age has dropped to 47. This shift underscores the need for organizers to cater to a younger, more diverse group of professionals with evolving expectations.

Key Takeaways for Event Organizers

To ensure their events resonate with exhibitors, organizers need to prioritize:

High-Quality Lead Generation Opportunities: Design events that facilitate meaningful connections and foster a conducive environment for lead generation.
All-Inclusive Packages: Offer comprehensive packages that simplify the exhibitor experience and minimize logistical burdens.
Targeted Marketing: Tailor marketing efforts to appeal to the changing demographics of exhibit marketers, emphasizing the value proposition of the event.

By understanding and adapting to these evolving trends, event organizers can create experiences that not only meet but exceed exhibitor expectations, driving greater engagement, ROI, and overall success. As Ken Holsinger, Freeman’s Senior Vice President of Strategy, aptly put it, “Successful events don’t happen by accident.” Armed with these insights, organizers have a roadmap to create events that truly stand out in the crowded marketplace.

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Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

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